The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) has released a public discussion paper that proposes a new product stewardship scheme for e-waste. The paper follows several months of government consultation with recyclers, peak bodies, regulators, industry stakeholders, and state and territory governments.
The proposed changes expands the number of e-products by the current NTCRS to incorporate a wide-range of household appliances, as well as solar panels and systems. The paper also proposes a new administrative structure for e-waste in Australia. These changes will have significant ramifications for the entire e-waste sector, and for any company that produces household appliances or solar panels and systems. Read a summary of the changes here.
If you’d like to find out more about the scheme changes, and what it could mean for you we are happy to assist and provide tailored information. You can contact us at
ANZRP is a reliable and responsible partner. Working in partnership, we will capitalise on our expertise, capabilities and relationships to help your organisation meet its e-waste liability and product stewardship needs.
Dell collaborates with ANZRP because of its high recycling standards and because its systems and processes align with Dell’s overall product stewardship.
Complete peace of mind with ANZRP’s uncompromising integrity and governance on doing the right thing! Founded by industry for industry’s best interests, ANZRP upholds high recycling services and standards that you can rely upon today, tomorrow, and into the future.
We provide product stewardship solutions
Product stewardship acknowledges that those involved in producing, selling, using and disposing of products and materials have a shared responsibility to ensure they are managed in a way that reduces their impact on the environment, health and safety. We develop and manage solutions to e-product and e-waste management challenges for businesses and the community.

We focus on responsible recycling
We manage an industry leading e-waste service, TechCollect, where we responsibly recycle e-waste and use the materials the products are made from in the manufacture of new products: the essence of a circular economy.
We process waste in Australia
We only partner with recyclers who operate to the highest Australian environmental and work, health and safety standards and ensure that all products and materials that we collect in Australia, undergo first stage recycling in Australia. When you partner with ANZRP, you can rest assured that your brand and reputation will be safeguarded.

We engage the community through education
We create awareness about the importance of managing a product’s environmental impact throughout all stages of its life cycle with particular focus on end-of life-recycling and the management of data. We work closely with other Product Stewardship programs to raise public and corporate awareness of the importance of recycling.
We lead and lobby for improved industry outcomes
On behalf of our Members, we advocate for and have achieved improvements to Australian Product Stewardship legislation. We are committed to creating a vibrant, transparent recycling industry that has confidence in its supply chain to facilitate investment in new technology for improved outcomes, job creation and end-markets.

We are a not-for-profit
ANZRP is a registered not-for-profit with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission.
We are also the only not-for-profit Co-regulatory Arrangement operating under the National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme (NTCRS). We work for our members, not for profit, providing a lean and sustainable arrangement to meet their liability under the NTCRS and to provide Australian households and SMEs with a free and easy way to responsibly dispose of and recycle their e-waste.