Increase in levy to fund battery stewardship in Australia

Increase in levy to fund battery stewardship in Australia

The Battery Stewardship Council (BSC) has announced an 8.4% increase in its levy from 1st  July 2024. The levy adjustment was predicated on the need to fulfil BSC’s mission to create a stronger circular economy for batteries by addressing the need to stabilise the existing B-cycle scheme and cater for the changing risk profile of batteries. Since the initial levy and rebates were set there have been notable increases in the Consumer Price Index coupled with decreases in commodity prices.

BSC has also announced plans to review and redesign the scheme model with a stronger focus on sustainability outcomes and canvassing regulatory approaches that address free riding within the scheme. As part of this process BSC has released the B-cycle Scheme Review Discussion Paper and is seeking feedback from industry and government. The proposed model includes the introduction of an eco-modulated levy and rebate model in order to drive the desired outcomes.

Consultation on a redesigned scheme has commenced and will culminate with an application for re-authorisation of the scheme by the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission in September 2025.

A further review of the rebates paid by the scheme will be considered from 1 January 2025, depending on revenue from increased imports or new participants in the scheme.

For more information, including details of the consultation process and how to provide comment on the Discussion Paper visit Australia’s official battery stewardship scheme – B-cycle (