Total Green Recycling’s new plastics recycling solution

Total Green Recycling’s new plastics recycling solution

ANZRP’s compliance manager recently visited Perth to audit and assess a new solution for plastic recycling stemming from the recycling of e-waste in Western Australia. In 2022, the Australian government introduced rules governing the export of waste plastics. Prior to these rules coming into effect, the majority of plastic recovered from e-waste in Australia was sent offshore for processing and recycling. The new rules put an end to this. Whilst ANZRP is supportive of measures that build the domestic circular economy, the new rules initially resulted in some e-waste plastics being landfilled – in the absence of domestic recycling solutions.

ANZRP has been proactively working with our recyclers to improve the outcomes for e-waste plastic. We were therefore pleased to visit and assess the processes and downstream material flows for Enviro-Recycling, a Perth-based processor, who has been undertaking trials with e-waste recycler, Total Green Recycling . The visit revealed to ANZRP that Enviro-Recycling has both a robust and compliant process for the beneficial recycling of e-waste plastic and markets that will enable the material to be retained within the economy.

This is a pleasing result, and with this last piece of the plastic recycling puzzle solved by our recycling partner Total Green Recycling in collaboration with Enviro-Recycling, ANZRP anticipates that in 2025 we will be able to report a minimum 90% material recovery rate.